Love Letter


“Love Letter” Roots Music Report
Top 50 Soul Blues Albums
2018, 2019, 2020


"Love Letter" is a blues meets R&B tsunami of sound from the first single “Don't You Put Your Hands On Me,” (already considered a #metoo anthem) the melancholy "Al Green meets Etta James" groove of "A Little Rain Must Fall, "through the updated and socially relevant stomp of her cover of The Rolling Stones classic "Paint It Black," as well as her signature "Cold Blooded" blues on the lushly orchestrated, stunning title track.

"This collection of songs represent empowerment and healing in a world so sorely in need of both. These are tense and trying times we live in today, and I hope that the messages in these songs reach into the souls of the listeners. I truly believe that this is what music can, and should do – especially the Blues"